While the economic toll of COVID-19 on the music industry is often discussed, less talked about is the psychological impact which the lost "concert experience" has on both fans and artists alike.
Linda Riveros, who was born without arms in Colombia, sought asylum in the United States. She had her first solo exhibition this month.
There are days
I wake up and I pinch myself
You're with me, not someone else
And I am scared, yeah, I'm still scared
That it's all a dream
As navigation apps like Waze and Google Maps direct more motorists onto residential streets, towns are fighting back by creating turn restrictions and even closing roads to outsiders.
In 1949, William Bernbach, along with colleagues, Ned Doyle and Maxwell Dane, formed Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), the Manhattan advertising agency that would create the revolutionary Volkswagen ad campaigns of the 1950s and 1960s.
The 115th Congress, under Republican control, has left a conservative imprint on the courts, taxation, regulation and the environment.
@musika_bandSunday, 05 November 2020